Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Front Porch Focal Point

After pinning some ideas on the 'perfectly proportioned container', hubby and I set out to Family Tree Nursery in Liberty, MO.

As pinterest states, you need just three types of plants: a spiller, thriller, and filler. Seems simple enough!
8 different plants, 4 bags of dirt, and a massive flower pot later....we have my first ever gorgeous container!
Thriller- very back, deep purple tall plant. Beardtongue "Penstemon" Dark Tower. This is a perennial that I guess has really pretty pink flowers in the spring time. It should get pretty tall, has a grassy feel to it. 
Spiller- my all time Pinterest favorite this spring, has been popping out at me on all of the pictures. Sweet Potato Vine! Traditionally an indoor house plant, but works great for containers in the summer time. Annual. 
Wandering Jew (deep purple, bottom right), an old school indoor plant. I love the purple.
Filler- Marigolds (orange/yellow flowers). Holy smokes, I had no idea these multiplied so quickly! Annual, but save the seeds. 
Supertunia- Vista Silverberry (right side, white/pink flowers). I imagine this will spill over also. Annual
Superbells- Lemon Slice (front middle). This is another 'Proven Winners' plant, calibrachod hybrid. Has really pretty alternating white and yellow bands. Annual. 
My new favorite plants that I am fascinated with are the two coleous towards the middle-left side.

I had no idea when I picked these plants out that the majority of them can easily be propagated! I plan to create some baby plants out of most to bring in during the winter time. 

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